KERALA Engineering/ Pharmacy/ Architecture/ Medical/ Medical Allied Courses (KEAM-2023) Candidates can verify their Profile and Rectify Defects
Notification Date: 2023-06-04
Last Updated on: 2023-06-05
Candidates who have submitted online application to the Commissioner for
Entrance Examinations for admission to Kerala Engineering/
Pharmacy/Architecture/Medical/Medical allied courses (KEAM-2023) can verify
their profile and rectify the defect, if any, till 10.06.2023, 5 pm
Candidates can
view their profile page through the link 'KEAM 2023-Candidate Portal'
provided on the website by giving their Application
Number and Password. Candidates can also verify the allowed details of their
claim such as personal details, Photo, Signature, Nativity, reservation, NRI status
and other benefits in the profile.
Those candidates, who have any defects in
their application can view the defects by clicking the menu item 'Memo Details'
provided in the Profile page. Candidates can rectify the defects by uploading valid
documents/Photo/Signature as applicable
Do not send the printout of any documents/certificates to the Office of the
CEE for any reservation/claim
As per the provisions laid down in the Prospectus , only candidates
belonging to the Keralite category are eligible for Communal/Special
reservation or any fee concession. Those candidates who have not cleared
the nativity as 'Keralite' will not be considered for the above reservation
even though he/she has allowed the claim on the strength of the documentssubmitted to prove the claim for reservation and the allowed reservation will
be cancelled. Hence, defects in Nativity given in the memo in the
'Candidate Portal' should be rectified by uploading valid documents.
Details regarding reservation for Person with Disability (PD), NCC, Sports,
Agricultural Assistant (AG), and Live Stock Inspector (LS) will be made
available in the candidate portal in due course